Have you ever felt like your voice is too high-pitched or shrill? You wish you could have a deeper, more commanding voice.
If so, you’re not alone. Many people try to find ways to make their voices deeper.
How to Make Your Voice Deeper Permanently
In this blog post, we’ll explore how to make your voice deeper permanently.
We’ll cover everything. From the science of vocal depth to lifestyle changes.
We’ll look at vocal exercises that can help you achieve your goal.
You can make your voice deeper and stronger with practice. It takes time and effort, but it’s possible.
Here are some techniques that you can use to make your voice deeper.
1. Breathing Techniques For Deeper Voice
1. Find Your Speaking Spot
This is the spot at the back of your nose where your voice sounds most natural and powerful.
To find it, hum “mmm-hmm” as if you were agreeing to something. Feel the vibration in your face. That’s where you should speak from.
Patrick Muñoz, a voice and speech coach, explains you can change your voice by using its full range.
Most people only use a few notes. But they can practice using more notes and speak from their diaphragm instead of their throat.
2. How To Breath
Breathe from your belly instead of your chest. This will make your voice stronger and deeper.

When you breathe, your belly should rise and your chest and shoulders should stay still. These are deep breaths.
3. Speak From The Diaphragm
Speak from your belly. You want your breath to come from your stomach, and go out through your mouth.
Practice this often, saying anything you like, but focus on these two parts of your body.
You will notice that you can get more power in your voice with less effort, resulting in a louder, deeper voice.
4. Practice
To speak from your diaphragm, you need to take deep breaths using your stomach.
At first, this will feel strange and awkward. But if you keep practicing, it will become more natural.
Here is a simple exercise to help you get started:
– Stand up straight and place one hand on your chest and the other hand on your stomach.
– Take a deep breath through your nose. As you inhale, your stomach should expand and your chest should remain still.
– Exhale slowly through your mouth. As you exhale, your stomach should contract and your chest should remain still.
Practice this exercise for a few minutes each day. Once you can take a deep breath without thinking about it, you can use this technique to speak.
When you speak from your diaphragm, your voice will sound stronger. You will also be able to project your voice.
2. Lifestyle Changes For A Deeper Voice
Here are a few lifestyle changes that can help you achieve a deeper voice:
1. Stay Hydrated
Dehydration can cause your vocal cords to swell and become dry. This can lead to vocal strain and a higher-pitched voice.
Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water per day.
Good for your voice:
– Drink plenty of fluids to keep your vocal cords lubricated.
– Drink hot tea with mint or chamomile to relax your throat muscles.
– Eat cantaloupes or other melons to hydrate your vocal cords quickly.
Bad for your voice:
– Avoid milk and other dairy products, as they can cause mucus buildup in your throat.
– Avoid alcohol, as it can dehydrate you and shrink your vocal cords.
– Avoid citrus fruits and juices, as they can dry out your vocal cords.
– Avoid caffeine, as it can also dehydrate you.
– Avoid bacon, as it is salty and can draw moisture from your body.
2. Eat A Healthy Diet
Eat a healthy mix of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to keep your vocal cords healthy and strong.
Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and too much caffeine and alcohol.
These can dry out your vocal cords and make your throat sore.
3. Get Enough Sleep
When you don’t get enough sleep, your voice box is more likely to get tired and sore. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
4. Manage Stress
Stress can also lead to vocal strain. Find healthy ways to manage stress. Do exercise, try relaxation techniques, and spend time in nature.
5. Avoid Smoking
Smoking can damage your vocal cords and make it difficult to produce a deeper voice. If you smoke, quitting is the best thing you can do for your vocal health.
With the lifestyle changes mentioned above, there are a few other things you can do to support a deeper voice:
– Avoid yelling and shouting. This can strain your vocal cords and lead to a higher-pitched voice.
– Record yourself speaking and listen back. This can help you identify any areas where you are straining your voice.
– Warm up your vocal cords before speaking. Try humming, doing lip trills, or singing scales.
– Cool down your vocal cords after speaking. Sip warm water or drink a warm beverage.
– Get regular vocal checkups. A speech-language pathologist can assess your vocal health. He can provide tips for maintaining a deeper voice.
3. Vocal Exercises And Training
There are vocal exercises that can help you to deepen your voice. Here are a few examples:
1. Humming
Humming is a great way to warm up your vocal cords and practice speaking from your diaphragm.
To hum, close your mouth and hum a comfortable note for 10-15 seconds.
2. Vowel Scales
Vowel scales are a great way to practice speaking in a lower pitch.
To do a vowel scale, start on a low note and say the vowel sound “ah” for a few seconds.

Then, raise your pitch to a higher note and say the vowel sound “ee” for a few seconds.
Continue this process, moving up and down the scale.
3. Pitch Glides
To practice speaking in a variety of pitches, try raising your voice from a low note to a high note.
Then lower it back down to the low note.
4. Tongue Trills
To do a tongue trill, place the tip of your tongue behind your upper front teeth and blow out.
You should feel a vibration on your tongue.
5. Semi-occluded Vocal Tract Exercises (SOVTE)
SOVTE exercises involve restricting the airflow through your vocal cords.
This can help to strengthen your vocal cords and lower your vocal pitch.
To do a SOVTE exercise, say the word “huh” while holding your lips together.
6. Resonance Exercises
Resonance exercises help to amplify your voice and project it better.
To do a resonance exercise, sing a low note while placing your hand on your chest. You should feel a vibration in your chest.
4. Technology And Medical Options
There are ways to deepen your voice with technology and medicine.
But it’s important to think about the good and bad things about each option before making a choice.
1. Software Programs
There are many voice training apps available that can help you deepen your voice.
These apps have exercises and techniques. These are to help you achieve a deeper, more resonant voice.
2. Vocal Processors
Vocal processors are digital devices that can change the pitch and tone of your voice in real time.
These tools can be useful for achieving a deep voice in specific situations (such as performing online music).
But they are not a permanent solution and may not be appropriate for all situations.
3. Medical Ways For Deeper Voice
Medical procedures and surgeries for voice deepening are more permanent solutions.
But, these procedures are also more expensive and invasive.
To find out if you are a good fit for one of these procedures, talk to a doctor.
Why Is A Deep Voice Important?
A deep voice is often associated with confidence, authority, and trustworthiness. This can be beneficial in both personal and professional settings.
For example, people with deeper voices are likely to be hired for jobs. They get promoted to higher positions and earn higher salaries.
They’re also more likely to be successful in negotiations and sales.
Benefits Of A Deeper Voice
Here are some of the benefits of a deeper voice:
– People with deep voices are often seen as more trustworthy and reliable.
– Deep voices are often associated with leadership and charisma.
– People with deep voices are better at persuading others to see their point of view.
– Deep voices can help people feel more confident.

– People with deeper voices are often taken more seriously and respected.
– Some people find deep voices to be more attractive.
– Studies have shown that athletes with deeper voices are more likely to win competitions.
– People with deeper voices are less likely to have stress, anxiety, and depression.
– People with deeper voices may have stronger immune systems and live longer.
Understanding The Science Of Vocal Depth
Your vocal depth depends on the length and thickness of your vocal cords.
Your vocal cords (the strings that vibrate to make sound) are longer and thicker if you have a deep voice.
Shorter and thinner vocal cords make a higher voice.
Your vocal cords are made the way you were born.
But there are a few things you can do to make them healthier and stronger.
Such as avoiding vocal strain and maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Maintaining Your Deeper Voice
Once you’ve achieved a deeper voice, it’s important to take steps to maintain it.
Here are a few tips for maintaining a deeper voice:
1. Be Mindful Of Your Posture
When you stand or sit up straight, your diaphragm has more room to move. This can help you to speak in a lower pitch.
2. Speak From Your Diaphragm
When you speak from your diaphragm, your voice is more likely to be deep and resonant.
To speak from your diaphragm, place one hand on your chest and the other hand on your stomach.
As you speak, you should feel your stomach rising and falling.
3. Avoid Caffeine And Alcohol
Caffeine and alcohol can dry out your vocal cords and make it difficult to speak in a lower pitch.
Common Mistakes To Avoid When Trying To Deepen Your Voice
There are many things you can do to deepen your voice, but there are also some mistakes to avoid.
– Don’t push your voice too hard. This can damage your vocal cords. Instead, relax your voice and let it resonate naturally.

– Don’t forget to breathe. Your breathing is important for the depth and quality of your voice. Practice diaphragmatic breathing and use your breath to support your voice.
– Don’t expect results overnight. It takes time and practice to deepen your voice permanently. Be patient with yourself as you work on improving your vocal technique.
There are many things you can do to make your voice deeper permanently.
If you follow the tips in this blog post, you will be able to speak with a deeper voice.
It will make you sound more confident and powerful in both personal and professional settings.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Can I Naturally Deepen My Voice?
To deepen your voice naturally:
Breathe from your belly. The belly muscle, or diaphragm, separates your chest from your stomach. When you breathe in deeply, your stomach should push out. This helps to support your voice and make it deeper.
Relax your throat. Tightness in your throat can make your voice sound higher. To relax your throat, try humming or singing scales. You can also try yawning or sighing.
Speak from your chest. When you speak from your chest, you are using the thicker part of your vocal cords. This makes a deeper sound. To speak from your chest, imagine that you are speaking from your belly instead of your throat.
Record yourself speaking and listen back. This can help you to hear where you are straining your voice or speaking in a higher pitch than you would like. Once you know what to work on, you can start to correct it.
Why Is My Voice Not Deep At 14?
There are a few reasons why your voice may not be deep at 14:
Your vocal cords are still developing. Vocal cords thicken and lengthen as you go through puberty, which causes your voice to deepen. This process usually starts around age 12 and can last for several years.
You haven’t reached your full growth potential. Your voice will deepen as you grow taller and your body changes shape.
You have a naturally high-pitched voice. Some people have naturally higher-pitched voices than others. This is due to various factors, including genetics and the size and shape of your vocal cords.
It is important to note that there is a wide range of normal when it comes to vocal development. Some boys’ voices start to deepen as early as 12, while others’ voices may not deepen until they are 16 or 17.
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